White balance of video

In this lesson we looked at how coloured paper and colour gel affected the videos when recording. For this we used white paper and orange, blue, pink and green colour gels. The result of this was that it changed the colour to it's opposite for example blue changed the colour to orange, orange changed to blue, green changed to pink and pink changed to green. In addition when white paper was shown it went back to normal colour.We were able to discover this by changing some of the settings on the camera when having a piece of paper or coloured gel in front of the camera. With this we experimented what kind of aspects could be recorded with these filters. When the colour shown was blue it gave the sense that it was winter and the area surrounding the camera was cold.  This kind of filter is useful to record winter scenes during the summer.  when the colour shown was orange it would be useful as it looked hot and warm so it can be used for settings or scenes with extreme heat. When the colour shown was pink it gave the idea of a children's book and a fantasy genre so it could be good to portray something that is not real.  When the colour shown was green it gave the idea of a jungle or forest this kind of filter is useful so that you do not have to go to the needed setting. Once we figured out that the gel colour made the camera filter become opposite so it meant we could do some recoding using these filters. These filters were interesting and intriguing to use and i would like to use more of this in the future but with more colour variety.


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