Lighting workshop

During the current week we have worked with lighting so that we can use this later on in the industry. During this we used lights such as aries, redhead and dedo lights. The power usage of aries is up to 900w, the power usage of redhead lights is 2400w and the power usage of dedo lights is up to 450w. All of these lights can be fairly bright some are brighter than others which appeals to the what we will use depending on what production that we make. The coverage of these lights mostly seemed good however I felt that the redhead was not as good as the others. But the worst in coverage was probably the dedo lights. I think the ease of use actually depends on experience with the lights as I found working these lights a difficult task considering positioning and getting the correct amount of light. Throughout all of this there is obviously safety and risks. There is already the risks of tripping over wires but for this task in particular we had to be wary as the equipment could overheat and we would need to use gloves so that we did not get burned. My favourite lights was the aries lights because I real enjoyed the horror and interview lighting which can be used regularly in the media industry.


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