
During this most recent lesson we learned about audience.

What is an audience?

 An audience is an individual or collective group of people who read or consume any media text.

Why are audiences important?

Audiences are very important to all industries this is because without audiences there is no profit and companies will make a loss when releasing a product. However the most important part of the audience is that it can give a product purpose and why it is produced. Without audiences there would be less improvement in industries as no feedback would be given.

How does technology impact audiences?

 Audiences can be impacted by technology as media has spread to more online than other formats. This can give greater detail to the product and makes the product quicker to spread with the help of social media and platforms such as YouTube and Twitter. Finally technology has changed some areas such as news as it is now accessible online meaning it can get a bigger audience as well as save materials.

Types of audiences:

In this case there are 2 types of audiences which are Mass and Niche. Mass is about mainstream such as something which is made regularly and portrays something to a bigger audience where as Niche focuses on less regularly made content and this content is more influential.

How can audiences be categorized?

In addition audiences can be defined by psychographics which is basically profiling what kind of viewer a person is so that they can make the product more aimed at them. The other way an audience can be defined is by demographics which are measurable characteristics such as gender, age, location and economic status.


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