Future media

Concerning future media I have chosen to do this set piece about the OZO + camera developed by Nokia. This camera is a 360 degrees camera with the help of virtual reality. This camera is very useful due to the fact of it's size. The size is small so it is suitable to take to most areas so that you are able to film in more exotic locations and because of this it helps make things more realistic. The OZO + has 8 lenses so that it can see all round. In addition to this there is also 8 on board microphones also enhancing the experience as it can capture sound from all round. One of the most important factors to this kind of technology is storage. This is considering you don't want to go to a real far away location and find out the memory is full so the OZO + has a memory of 500gb which will last a long time. During post production due to the cameras design CGI is easily able to be integrated so that it can look realistic and professional. However the best thing about this device is that it works with virtual reality. This is extremely useful because you can monitor what the video output is in real time. So to conclude the OZO +camera is very useful in the media industry concerning video however it may not be the best for other aspects. So this device is perfect for producing videos such as movies and television shows it could also be very useful for online entertainment and this is a tool I would love to use in the future.


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