Carousel week 4/ week 5

Process and Methods:

This week we worked with fashion which involved design and creation. For the first part we had to experiment with how colour on paper would look on fabric. For this we worked with colours red, blue, black, green, yellow and orange. We painted these colours onto paper in the shape of squares and used a machine to put them onto fabric. When we undergoed this process we noticed that the colours would appear a lot brighter than it was on the paper this helped us later on. Next we were asked to make a design to colour in and put on a fabric. To start off I drew my design onto a small piece of A5 paper to later recreate onto A3 and paint in to make the design more bold. Once I finished my design I remade it onto A3 and later used the paints to colour the page. Sadly the overall product did not come out as I expected.  The next task after our break was to create a dress using recycablle materials such as plastic bags and pins. Throughout this task I struggled to comprehend the aim of the task and the reason behind it. During this I cut materials which was later used in the final piece of work however I wish I contributed more. When we finished we needed to take pictures of our work for evidence later. The next day we worked with stitching which involved practicing and using the work we made the previous day. We were given a needle and thread to practice on a separate piece of fabric so that we could get use to embroidery. After some time of practicing I attempted to work with my design from the previous day. When we were finished or it was the end of the lesson we pinned the design to a mannequin so that we could take a picture of it.

Skills and tools:
Throughout this part of the week we used many skills and tools unlike ones we have used previously. During this week we worked on communication, designing, painting, creativity, embroidering, making, experimenting. Communication has been developed throughout every week as most tasks we have been assigned throughout involved working in groups or pairs. Communication is important because it is used most industries and jobs as there are other people involved. Designing was demonstrated on the first task of the day  as we made designs to put onto fabric. Designing is key as it is like a plan to help overcome problems used in most industries. Painting was only was used whilst making the design however I rarely develop on this skill so it was quite important for this week that I developed it. Painting can be important in some areas depending on your profession of choice. Creativity was key skill throughout the whole week as we would need to make our pieces of work seem different to the others. Creativity has been demonstrated in all tasks this week as it will be needed for most practical professions. Embroidering was only used in one of our tasks which involved sewing and our designs we made the previous day. Embroidering can be a practical skill but not commonly used in a work environment. Making and experimenting were both used throughout the week as both would be used in every task. Both of these skills are extremely useful in a work environment as many areas of work involves creating something.

As far as tools are we used a variety of different tools we would not use in our current course. For example we worked with recyclable bags, paint and paint brushes, thread and needle, scissors. These tools are commonly used in creating a piece of work and less used in a media work environment. For all the tools in which we used I think I was very effective in the use of them considering the task we had been assigned. However if I had more opportunities to work with this equipment I think my confidence concerning it will improve.

To conclude this week has been very different to the previous carousel weeks I have experienced. In this week I think I have been effective and efficient in my work this week considering my lack of confidence with it. 


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