Carousel week 3/ week 4

This week we worked with photography and was assigned a task to take photos whilst having changed the default settings. To start off with we were taught the parts of the camera and the basics of a camera so those who didn't know would be up to speed with the rest. We were then given a demonstration of how to take photos with a different shutter speed and were also shown what it might look like. After the demonstration we split up and took photos of our own around the college trying to display the difference with the pictures. Later on we were given another demonstration however this was based on aperture which would sharpen the image. When we were given a demonstration on how to use this feature and change the settings we were put in the same groups and split up around the college taking more photos and a second with it to show the difference.

Skills and tools:
During these tasks I think I developed imagination, communication and general knowledge of a camera. I have developed imagination shown by finding creative spots to take pictures of. Communication was developed throughout the task as we would need to talk to each other concerning these pictures. Finally my general knowledge of a camera has improved due to the fact we were given demonstrations before using the camera. To improve these further than I already have I think I need to get more opportunities to use this equipment and do this activity again. I also think it would be an idea to do this activity off of campus to have a better opportunity to use our imagination. I think if I could do anything different about this week it would to be communicate more so that we can get more photos taken as I did have many ideas. For this week we used cameras and computers I think I have developed in terms of the camera but not the computer as I am already very confident with it.


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