Audio activity

In the past weeks we were set a task concerning Foley (audio, invented by Jack Foley in early 1920's). We would watch a clip from a film in this instance psycho ( Released in 1960 and directed by Alfred Hitchcock) shower scene with the audio and we would have to re create the sounds and edit them over a silent video.  The function of a cue to sheet is to show how and when the audio is played out. Foley is about the additional recording of audio after a film to help focus on specific sounds with no wind or other interference. This process is regularly used in film and TV to help make the audio sound more authentic. For this particular activity we had to reconstruct sounds which would be in a bathroom such as a shower, doors, water drain, stabbing sound, walking and a shower curtain. For some of these we were provided with tools to help us recreate these sounds. We were given tools such as rice, plastic box, balloons, knife and cabbage in addition we could also use objects or areas from around the college. We recorded this audio with a handy recorder which was very sensitive to sound and interference such as chatter. This recorder was simple to use as it would start and end by pressing one button. I think that as a group we were able to imagine what things we could use to recreate sounds very easily due to brainstorming skills. I also think our group worked very effectively and quick to get the task done in a good way. Although I think the only problem we faced was that the sounds did not sound as good as we hoped for and we needed to rethink some of them. During this process we needed to know about found content. Found content is content which is not yours mostly now gather from the internet this can have strict rules as images videos and information can have copyright meaning you need permission before using it. In this the found content we used consisted of 3 YouTube videos 1 is the scene from the movie and the other 2 were converted into mp3 files to make more tension. 1 of these was a sound we didn't get which was a water drain and the other was some disturbing music to show the theme of horror/ slasher. For the editing we used adobe premier pro (film editing software released in 1991 and continuously developed to 2016) In this we used the video and audio we recorded to merge them together to try and recreate the original. We worked pretty effectively as the editing was done easily however to improve I would like to know how to have more than 1 audio track at the same time to make it m ore realistic. I think the audio in the project still needs editing as it is clear in some areas that 1 piece is being repeated. To conclude I think we were effective and successful in this task but need to refine some areas of it.

Web sources used: - 3/10/17 - 3/10/17


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