scene soundtrack analysis

Film chosen: 8 mile
Scene: Parking lot

In this scene B-rabbit (Eminem) joins in with a group playing around with beats and rhymes after the group have a had a bit of fun the antagonist enters the scene agitating the other characters. This results in a fight between both groups and then back off.

At the start of the scene radio music can be heard this music fits into the genre rap which suits the theme of the movie. This music has a continuous flow and a high pitch to suggest something good will happen. This is also demonstrated with a faster tempo keeping things to a fast happy pace. This music plays throughout most of the scene however when the dialogue kicks in the volume of the music fades down heavily to focus on the dialogue. When the antagonist enters the scene the music is still quiet but a whole different beat is played and is a much lower pitch to foreshadow something bad.  Overall the music used in this scene perfectly portrays mood throughout pitch and tempo. During the scene the audience can notice crescendo and decrescendo this is used to focus on what is being said or done as it will be important to the plot later in the film.

Incidental/ ambient:
Throughout the music it easily creates an atmosphere of happiness and danger. These are shown in separate parts of the scene as 1 is played until the half and the danger related music plays till the end. With the choice of music linking to context and theme it successfully uses the pitch and tempo to portray these emotions. I would describe this certain areas of audio to be ambient as it shows the mood in which the scene is. All the sounds used in this scene are used as establishing sounds for those who don't understand.

Throughout this scene dialogue is continuously used to show character and the characters mood. As this film is about rap the main character participates in a freestyle which involves word play, flow and rhymes throughout. Also in this scene the antagonist uses the same methods of dialogue to insult people. In addition the dialogue can also show context to piece as there is a lot of swearing suggesting a rough neighbourhood or background. At the start off the scene the tone is quite low to show that the character is not in the bests of moods. This changes as the pitch of the character voice increases to show the increase of confidence. Later on when an argument starts the dialogue is hard to understand as several people are talking a once however there are some parts which are made clear so the audience may understand.  When the argument has started it can be described as a Walla because the crowd is in continuous argument.

Sound effects:
Continuously throughout the scene sound effects are used. In this scene mostly car sounds are used like car doors an engine or even the keys. These are all inserted deliberately because it shows where the scene is set. However mostly throughout the first scene there are few to none sound effects used until a fight breaks out in the second half. This has bee done to show a relaxing environment before a fight starts. There are other sound effects such as a beat being done by a character this us a genre signifier because t shows the theme of the film being rap.


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