
Showing posts from October, 2017

College TV

Date: 31/10/17 Today I worked on ideas about college TV this had to based about news with the theme of new years. So for this I have successfully made 3 ideas/ mind maps for this. The first idea consisted of reflection as so much has happened in the past year. This links to the idea of new years as it links to the past and reflecting on what we have done. In this I mentioned how some things should be presented and deeper meanings within simple aspects. For the second idea it involved change this idea occurred as many people make new years resolutions to try and follow. This showed more of an idea of mystery as we do not know what is to come. The final idea was about being festive this is because it involved more of a cultural and diverse look on how people celebrate and it allows the audience to interpret the piece how they want to. I think that the main problem was being able to continuously create unique ideas as I had only though of 1 originally. I was able to overcome this probl

White balance of video

In this lesson we looked at how coloured paper and colour gel affected the videos when recording. For this we used white paper and orange, blue, pink and green colour gels. The result of this was that it changed the colour to it's opposite for example blue changed the colour to orange, orange changed to blue, green changed to pink and pink changed to green. In addition when white paper was shown it went back to normal colour.We were able to discover this by changing some of the settings on the camera when having a piece of paper or coloured gel in front of the camera. With this we experimented what kind of aspects could be recorded with these filters. When the colour shown was blue it gave the sense that it was winter and the area surrounding the camera was cold.  This kind of filter is useful to record winter scenes during the summer.  when the colour shown was orange it would be useful as it looked hot and warm so it can be used for settings or scenes with extreme heat. When the


During this most recent lesson we learned about audience. What is an audience?  An audience is an individual or collective group of people who read or consume any media text. Why are audiences important? Audiences are very important to all industries this is because without audiences there is no profit and companies will make a loss when releasing a product. However the most important part of the audience is that it can give a product purpose and why it is produced. Without audiences there would be less improvement in industries as no feedback would be given. How does technology impact audiences?  Audiences can be impacted by technology as media has spread to more online than other formats. This can give greater detail to the product and makes the product quicker to spread with the help of social media and platforms such as YouTube and Twitter. Finally technology has changed some areas such as news as it is now accessible online meaning it can get a bigger audien

Future media

Concerning future media I have chosen to do this set piece about the OZO + camera developed by Nokia. This camera is a 360 degrees camera with the help of virtual reality. This camera is very useful due to the fact of it's size. The size is small so it is suitable to take to most areas so that you are able to film in more exotic locations and because of this it helps make things more realistic. The OZO + has 8 lenses so that it can see all round. In addition to this there is also 8 on board microphones also enhancing the experience as it can capture sound from all round. One of the most important factors to this kind of technology is storage. This is considering you don't want to go to a real far away location and find out the memory is full so the OZO + has a memory of 500gb which will last a long time. During post production due to the cameras design CGI is easily able to be integrated so that it can look realistic and professional. However the best thing about this device is

scene soundtrack analysis

Film chosen: 8 mile Scene: Parking lot Background: In this scene B-rabbit (Eminem) joins in with a group playing around with beats and rhymes after the group have a had a bit of fun the antagonist enters the scene agitating the other characters. This results in a fight between both groups and then back off. Music: At the start of the scene radio music can be heard this music fits into the genre rap which suits the theme of the movie. This music has a continuous flow and a high pitch to suggest something good will happen. This is also demonstrated with a faster tempo keeping things to a fast happy pace. This music plays throughout most of the scene however when the dialogue kicks in the volume of the music fades down heavily to focus on the dialogue. When the antagonist enters the scene the music is still quiet but a whole different beat is played and is a much lower pitch to foreshadow something bad.  Overall the music used in this scene perfectly portrays mood throughout pi

Lighting workshop

During the current week we have worked with lighting so that we can use this later on in the industry. During this we used lights such as aries, redhead and dedo lights. The power usage of aries is up to 900w, the power usage of redhead lights is 2400w and the power usage of dedo lights is up to 450w. All of these lights can be fairly bright some are brighter than others which appeals to the what we will use depending on what production that we make. The coverage of these lights mostly seemed good however I felt that the redhead was not as good as the others. But the worst in coverage was probably the dedo lights. I think the ease of use actually depends on experience with the lights as I found working these lights a difficult task considering positioning and getting the correct amount of light. Throughout all of this there is obviously safety and risks. There is already the risks of tripping over wires but for this task in particular we had to be wary as the equipment could overheat a

Foley evaluation

Over the past weeks we have worked on Foley with the psycho shower scene. This most recent lesson we had our production and have been assigned to evaluate it. Throughout the overall task I fell I have struggled in some areas as some things such as adobe premier pro software is new to me. Besides this I felt that I could be very helpful when considering the certain sounds to use. Concerning the sound effects used in the production most of them worked well with the video. For example sound effects such as the door closing and the scream seemed on point and the sound was decent. However sounds like the shower and the footsteps could've been made more realistic. If I was to do things differently I would record more sounds so that I could pinpoint the best sound for the specific action. I think I was able to make strong suggestions and ideas when it came to editing but I still have not had the opportunity to use the software without others. There was many challenges when we were editing

Carousel week 4/ week 5

Process and Methods: This week we worked with fashion which involved design and creation. For the first part we had to experiment with how colour on paper would look on fabric. For this we worked with colours red, blue, black, green, yellow and orange. We painted these colours onto paper in the shape of squares and used a machine to put them onto fabric. When we undergoed this process we noticed that the colours would appear a lot brighter than it was on the paper this helped us later on. Next we were asked to make a design to colour in and put on a fabric. To start off I drew my design onto a small piece of A5 paper to later recreate onto A3 and paint in to make the design more bold. Once I finished my design I remade it onto A3 and later used the paints to colour the page. Sadly the overall product did not come out as I expected.  The next task after our break was to create a dress using recycablle materials such as plastic bags and pins. Throughout this task I struggled to compr

Deadline assignment

Carousel week 3/ week 4

Task: This week we worked with photography and was assigned a task to take photos whilst having changed the default settings. To start off with we were taught the parts of the camera and the basics of a camera so those who didn't know would be up to speed with the rest. We were then given a demonstration of how to take photos with a different shutter speed and were also shown what it might look like. After the demonstration we split up and took photos of our own around the college trying to display the difference with the pictures. Later on we were given another demonstration however this was based on aperture which would sharpen the image. When we were given a demonstration on how to use this feature and change the settings we were put in the same groups and split up around the college taking more photos and a second with it to show the difference. Skills and tools: During these tasks I think I developed imagination, communication and general knowledge of a camera. I have deve

Audio activity

In the past weeks we were set a task concerning Foley (audio, invented by Jack Foley in early 1920's). We would watch a clip from a film in this instance psycho ( Released in 1960 and directed by Alfred Hitchcock) shower scene with the audio and we would have to re create the sounds and edit them over a silent video.  The function of a cue to sheet is to show how and when the audio is played out. Foley is about the additional recording of audio after a film to help focus on specific sounds with no wind or other interference. This process is regularly used in film and TV to help make the audio sound more authentic. For this particular activity we had to reconstruct sounds which would be in a bathroom such as a shower, doors, water drain, stabbing sound, walking and a shower curtain. For some of these we were provided with tools to help us recreate these sounds. We were given tools such as rice, plastic box, balloons, knife and cabbage in addition we could also use objects or areas f

Monday audio evaluation