Task 2

In this I have researched a game and the social media used to advertise it. For this I chose call of duty world war 2 made by sledgehammer games and Activision. In this the company use most or all social media sites for example Facebook, instagram and youtube. These are examples of the most popular social media sites where they would get most recognition for their product.  When it comes to frequency of posts and updates it seems to be every other day however when new updates were available it would be more frequent. The reason they do this is to continue the hype of the game to get free advertisement of word of mouth for those who do not have access to social media sites.

The target audience/ consumer is teenagers and adults which would have access to all social media sites whether it is for socialising or business purposes. This means that is a high probalitlity that they will see the product advertised. The frequency of posts by the consumer increases when new information will be released as the company's purpose is to continue hype. Their purpose for this is to show their excitement about the product before it is even released.

The competitors in this situation are Bungie with Destiny 2 and Electronic arts (EA) with star wars battlefront 2. Same to Sledgehammer and Activision these companies use most social media to promote their product. The frequency varies thoughts sometimes updates are posted daily or weekly. The purpose is still the same though which to create hype and cause pre orders increasing sales. However it still depends on content and launch.


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