Task 3

Task 1:

For the first question it seems that a majority of 66.7% spend over 20 minutes on social media. This information is important because it means they have a high chance to see adverts such as ones
advertising films. In the second question it seems that most people’s initial reason to get social media
was for entertainment purposes which film/ media would fall under. On the third question concerning
adverts it seems the majority see adverts as ok this tells us that we have to be careful on the content
to captivate them. On the fourth and fifth question answers were similar surprising considering that
they were about the best and worst of social media. The most used answer was freedom of speech
this seems a very controversial topic as it is down to opinion so this means we must be careful when
promoting our film. What people found most intriguing about social media was music however I find
this puzzling due to variety of content posted everyday. Finally the last question demonstrates that
social media is genuinely used for 3 things which is socializing, comedic purposes and messaging.

To evaluate this these results show me that we need to be careful in promotion and meet requirements
such as using music. In this the audience use social media for entertainment purposes e.g. movies,
music and games this is useful for us as they would expect to see film promotion in this.

Task 2:
In task 2 i decided to research on a videogame which was released on November 3rd 2017. In this the
company I researched was sledgehammer games and activision. In this they use most social media
websites such as Facebook, instagram, twitter and YouTube this is because they are able to get
maximum coverage. This is good as research as it gives us ideas on where and how to advertise.
When using these sites they post frequently to create hype after the games released they post every
other day roughly. The purpose of this is create hype and excitement  in addition to get more
pre orders to make money. Whilst searching on the internet it is clear there is mixed reactions.
When it comes to consumers the main target audience is teenagers and adults which would use all
social media so the times when activity was up for the consumers was during release and when new
information was given before release. The purpose for this is to inform others of their opinion and to
show the company producing that they are excited.  From a competitor stance I have chosen the
other 2 major shooters of 2017. These are Destiny 2 and star wars battlefront 2 produced by Bungie
and EA (Electronic Arts). Same as activision and sledgehammer games they use most of social media
sites however the frequency of updates are either everyday or every week. Although the products are
different the purpose is the same to advertise and promote their product.

To conclude the data shows that these companies use these social media sites to make hype and
advertise their products they use this frequently to make a consistent hype. These strategies are ones
which we should use.

In task 1 it shows that the target audience in this use social media for social and entertainment
purposes where as in Task 2 it shows that businesses use social media to be informative and promotional in terms of media this is good as both involve entertainment. However they are very different depending on how frequent they use social media as teenagers use it a lot more than companies. However with the information we obtained from both primary and secondary research it indicates that we will need to post frequently to keep up relevance. However task 1's information is a lot more personal as it was asked (primary research) where as in Task 2 it was a lot more factual. This is useful as we get 2 view points on the use of social media and the most effective way to promote our product. To conclude as shown by the data I have obtained social media has 2 points 1 of socializing and 1 of advertising both of which spread ideas around depending on the topic.


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