Task 4: The choice

In this task as a group we have decided that it would be appropriate to make the film rating for 15+ so that is aims to please a wider target audience than a specific age group. I have a few ideas on what type of content to be shared online however will confirm with the group later on. These ideas consist of using people such as actors or camera operators to promote the film throughout their own social media page whilst the product has it's on brand page separate from personalisation. Teasers could consist of a hastag to keep up excitement before even releasing a single trailer. Small videos (1 minute videos on instagram for example) are more entertaining than images so small less professional videos may seem more intriguing to the target audience. By releasing small hints or hidden ideas it causes a spark within the media to decipher what the clue means if this was to happen on one or two posts it would be good for reputation. The target audience would be asking about content and plot of the film and other minor details such as release or trailer so by giving a weeks warning before releasing new information it lets the audience know when new content is released. What captivates an audience the most is a trailer so by giving information about the said topic should create enough momentum to create a lot of excitement for release. In addition we have come up with a theme for the short film but this may change later. this idea is horror film made to look bad which makes it comedic.

Social media ideas:
Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pintrest

These are examples of social media sites would be good for brand promotion as we can upload short clips, images and more.

Channel ideas:
media sharing, social networks, rating and reviews

The frequency to this should be every week to keep a constant amount of excitement.


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