Website research

1) Pacific rim uprising
2) Rampage
3) Into the spider verse
4) Ready player one
5)  Tomb raider
6) Deadpool
7)  The commuter
8) Den of thieves
9) Maze runner: The death cure
10) Slender man

1) Pacific rim
- unique menu
- trailer
- gallery

2) Rampage
- Share option
- Hashtag

3) Into the spider verse
- Animated title
- Cast

4) Ready player one
-information on business partners
-more than one trailer available

5) Get out
- landing page is on buying tickets
-background trailer

6) Deadpool 2
-Comedic artwork/ presentation
-Link to social media

7) The commuter
-Ticket purchases
-Landing/ home page is trailer

8) Den of thieves
- interactive game
-Sign up for email updates

9) Maze runner: The death cure
-Advertises other merchandise

10) Slender man
-Full list of cast and crew
-Vocabulary to suit genre

1) In pacific rim the menu is unique as the graphic design best suits what the movie is about and the content it has. In addition it has the trailer to further inform the viewer. It also includes a gallery which show images of the film which help depict a better idea as it is a still image.

2) In the Rampage website it has an option to share it so that more people can view it to increase the excitement for the upcoming film.  It also has a hashtag so that it has its own specific search which some movies or companies will not have.

3) On the website for the movie "Into the spider verse" the title has it's own animation to keep constant engagement in the website. In this it shows the cast involved in the production.

4)On the "Ready player one" website it shows multiple trailers rather than just the one this gives a better variety in content to be shown. In addition it also has information on business partners this is useful as it gives an idea on what the quality may be like.

5)As this movie is already out the landing page is based on tickets and the option to buy some tickets.In the background of pages for example the synopsis has clips in the background.

6) For those who know about the previous film it had even match of comedy and action so it was more than suitable to see the cover art for the website meets these requirements. This presentation of the film give reassurance to hardcore fans that this going to be a good film. In this the website had links to the social media site for the company so that they could keep tabs on movie's progress.

7) On the commuter website as many websites it has the option to purchase tickets so that it will increases pre-order sales/ The landing/ home page is the trailer and can not be closed however it is a constant reminder of what the movie is about.

8)The den of thieves website unlike the others has some sort of interactive game which makes the user more involved and more likely to watch the movie. In addition it has an option to insert an email so that you can get updates from the company based on their productions.

9)Where as most movie websites decide to advertise just the film this website also advertises other content such as posters. In addition there is a contest which would bring in more people which would lead to people being more interested.

10) On the website instead of having just the cast listed it also has the crew listed as well. In addition they have a very specific choice in vocabulary for example instead of using trailer they used footage this was deliberately done as it emphasis the genre of horror.


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