
Website analysis

In this lesson we had to analyse/ self judge our own website however as we have not completed or published our website we have been assigned to review another groups work. So in this we have decide to look a a website for an interactive short film the word. The background suits the theme of the paranormal and the colour choice of black, green and red serve a good purpose in following the theme. The about section was brief which i liked and disliked to a degree.  I liked this as it didn't give too much away and was accompanied by a good choice of words however I also feel it gave to little information on the plot discouraging people to watch. There are only 3 pages, home page, about and contact page. I would suggest there are a a lack of pages there could be more but with minimal information it concurs a mystery in the website. It hard to consider SEO however and i think they should have added words such as film, interactive. To conclude the website proved useful for the promotion

Audio analysis

This is the audio analysis and inspiration for the upcoming interactive short film "the choice"

Website notes/ Steve's task

Navigation: Home page Landing page Gallery video/ trailer page Synopsis Cast and crew Ticket purchase Merchandise Colours: Dark green, black brown, red, orange, blue Seo: Wording e.g, horror, grindhouse, film, interactive,  werewolf, lumberjack, slasher Note: Look up more on the algorithm Find best in terms of relevances and amount Where will content be found: Seperate pages for content e.g trailer, gallery, who is starring in the film.

Tv and movie audio report

Lethal weapon tv series Lethal weapon first movie Tv series: In this scene on the screen is a chase scene  which enters a grand prix. In this scene a rap song is played called “Payback” by Vo williams. The lyrics in this song consist of connotations to a maniac which suits one of the characters on the screen.  Depending on whether there is dialogue happening or not the music slowly increases and reaches the loudest point when it reaches the chorus. When an event on screen interrupts the music the music cuts to allow dialogue and  sound effects take place to emphasise the new location and dynamic of the scene. The type of music that is used would be described as rap music which would appeal to the audiences and also tries to show the show is set in modern times. This music is hyperreal as it can not be heard by the characters in the show. When the chase is pretty much over the music die

Lesson update

Throughout the previous weeks we have been developed ideas and working on parts of this production. We are unable to give out details yet however we are able to release the title name of ... Well anyway we have been working on the ideas of genre and plot for 2 weeks and a website will be in development.

Interactive photo In todays lesson we used HP5 to make image hotspots which is an interactive image where you can add extra details such as text, video and images.

Task 4: The choice

In this task as a group we have decided that it would be appropriate to make the film rating for 15+ so that is aims to please a wider target audience than a specific age group. I have a few ideas on what type of content to be shared online however will confirm with the group later on. These ideas consist of using people such as actors or camera operators to promote the film throughout their own social media page whilst the product has it's on brand page separate from personalisation. Teasers could consist of a hastag to keep up excitement before even releasing a single trailer. Small videos (1 minute videos on instagram for example) are more entertaining than images so small less professional videos may seem more intriguing to the target audience. By releasing small hints or hidden ideas it causes a spark within the media to decipher what the clue means if this was to happen on one or two posts it would be good for reputation. The target audience would be asking about content and

Website research

1) Pacific rim uprising 2) Rampage 3) Into the spider verse 4) Ready player one 5)  Tomb raider 6) Deadpool 7)  The commuter 8) Den of thieves 9) Maze runner: The death cure 10) Slender man 1) Pacific rim - unique menu - trailer - gallery 2) Rampage - Share option - Hashtag 3) Into the spider verse - Animated title - Cast 4) Ready player one -information on business partners -more than one trailer available 5) Get out - landing page is on buying tickets -background trailer 6) Deadpool 2 -Comedic artwork/ presentation -Link to social media 7) The commuter -Ticket pu

Task 2

In this I have researched a game and the social media used to advertise it. For this I chose call of duty world war 2 made by sledgehammer games and Activision. In this the company use most or all social media sites for example Facebook, instagram and youtube. These are examples of the most popular social media sites where they would get most recognition for their product.  When it comes to frequency of posts and updates it seems to be every other day however when new updates were available it would be more frequent. The reason they do this is to continue the hype of the game to get free advertisement of word of mouth for those who do not have access to social media sites. The target audience/ consumer is teenagers and adults which would have access to all social media sites whether it is for socialising or business purposes. This means that is a high probalitlity that they will see the product advertised. The frequency of posts by the consumer increases when new information will b

Task 3

Task 1: For the first question it seems that a majority of 66.7% spend over 20 minutes on social media. This information is important because it means they have a high chance to see adverts such as ones advertising films. In the second question it seems that most people’s initial reason to get social media was for entertainment purposes which film/ media would fall under. On the third question concerning adverts it seems the majority see adverts as ok this tells us that we have to be careful on the content t o captivate them. On the fourth and fifth question answers were similar surprising considering that they were about the best and worst of social media. The most used answer was freedom of speech this seems a very controversial topic as it is down to opinion so this means we must be careful when promoting our film. What people found most intriguing about social media was music however I find this puzzling due to variety of content posted everyday. Fina

Social media survey

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College news production idea

Today we discussed an idea for our college news production. In our groups we decided what we could do to keep viewers entertained and make the idea stand out to current shows. We have decided to make the set like a chat show however the work and the way everything is presented is unprofessional as a deliberate joke. the whole show is very similar to in conversation with meets The day today. In this we will give out incorrect information to make the host look stupid however will be corrected to give the right news. The whole show is satirical and a comedic twist on news shows that is why this idea stands out. Another joke we would like to add is that the presenter is incapable and is easily influenced so that when it comes to interviews he can incorrectly pronounce words and names. So when it comes to peoples speech the presenter changes his way of speech to impress the guest. Our idea is similar to this one link is below:  . The second link i