Tv and movie audio report

Lethal weapon tv series
Lethal weapon first movie

Tv series:
In this scene on the screen is a chase scene  which enters a grand prix. In this scene a rap song is played called “Payback” by Vo williams. The lyrics in this song consist of connotations to a maniac which suits one of the characters on the screen.  Depending on whether there is dialogue happening or not the music slowly increases and reaches the loudest point when it reaches the chorus. When an event on screen interrupts the music the music cuts to allow dialogue and  sound effects take place to emphasise the new location and dynamic of the scene. The type of music that is used would be described as rap music which would appeal to the audiences and also tries to show the show is set in modern times. This music is hyperreal as it can not be heard by the characters in the show. When the chase is pretty much over the music dies down this works well with the imagery on screen as both the action and music dies down. The tempo/ pace of this music is fast to suit what is happening on screen and the location their in which in this situation is a grand prix. The dialogue is simple to give a main focus on the imagery at play. The way this is presented is that the 2 characters involved are very argumentative and struggle to see eye to eye.  To further this point the characters speak over each other however it is still clear when listening. However this dialogue could be re- recorded as the action in the background may be interfering. Repetition is used deliberately to emphasise the objective in this scene and the image on screen. As this is a chase sequence the repeated words are usually verbs such as “Go”. Sound effects play a major part in this scene due to a lot happening on the screen. The obvious sound that is heard is sirens which makes a link to the genre which I would class as a police action and comedy tv show. The chase scene on screen involves cars so it means that multiple sound effects are needed such as brakes, doors, acceleration. The cars also have a lot of contact with the passengers such as tapping on the door and jumping on the car ( great action by the way). In the scene the cars crash once when entering the next location (the grand prix) and the second is where the hostiles car crashes over the barrier. Both of these are loud to emphasise what is happening on screen. I think the sounds would be recorded on set as some sounds would be hard to replicate. Even though I would class this scene as a chase sequence there is also action such as fighting. In this there are punches thrown however the sound for this is very exaggerated so that the audience can hear it. There is also gun shots in this scene although the shot sound more realistic however when the gun is dropped in the chase the sound of the object hitting the ground seems very exaggerated. Finally another sound effect links perfectly to character and action on screen which is the bleep of the heart rate monitor. This links to character as a reminder that he once had a heart attack it also links great with the image on screen as it shows the situation is dangerous.

First film:
One thing to note is that the release dates between the 2 are very different as one was released and set in the 80’s and the other is set in the modern day. The major difference in this is that the music in this is different however it sounds like something that would be released in the time period of release. The music will increase volume depending on the intensity of situation on screen. The music involved is not heard by the characters but is used to set the mood and time period. The music also decreases in volume when there is dialogue so it is clear what the characters are saying. In addition the music in this has repetition however this may just be the song being played. The dialogue starts off polite/ casual to show the job profession to keep to genre. In this you can overhear police working on the situation to keep to genre and professionalism this sound is faint though to show it’s far away. The situation starts of with relaxation in the main character's tone which is surprising considering the action on screen. Same as the tv series this scene involves shouting and talking over each other. However with more small talk the situation seems to calm down and the original shouting has quietened. However there was also a quietened bit of dialogue due to the other characters on the location. Some of the talking is exaggerated so that the audience can be heard. In this scene there is little sound effects there are the basic sound effects someone can imagine in this scene such as the sirens, radio the audience murmurs. The sounds are obvious considering the scene and stay true to genre however one sound which is easily associated with the genre would not have been predicted considering the events on screen. This was the sound of handcuffs because as shown it wouldn’t be so obvious. All these sounds seem like they are realistic and not over exaggerated. The other sounds such as the lighter, landing and the bouncy castle all seem realistic compared to camera / audience viewing however some were hard to hear as this clip was dominated by the music and dialogue to focus on the action and scenario at play.


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