First week evaluation

1. Evidence of me taking part: (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC) U1.1.2

2. Write up your experience of the following...

2a Discuss any research that you carried out in these sessions: U2.1.1,

Now list Primary and Secondary sources U2.2.1

Primary: Learning names by socially interacting with others who are taking the course. Difficulties of completing a task with disabilities shown throughout completing an assigned task of building a tower for an egg.

Secondary: Premier video tutorial of how to use premier whilst editing work.

2b Discuss any skills that you have tried: U2.1.1

We worked on communication by working in groups to complete a task also by sharing out ideas and opinions. By sharing out ideas and opinions it shows negotiation skills as we can come to a conclusion on what to do. I tried to work on adobe premier pro however still find it difficult. within this week we have also worked on photoshop which i found complicated although would like to work on.  We also used illustartor and I felt it was easier than photoshop however similar to photoshop I would like to get more experience with these software. The last piece software we used was maya 3d animation. in this software it was a lot more complicated however I would love to learn how to do more complex areas to this software.

2c Discuss any processes and methods you used (Photography wet process, Screen Printing, Photoshop layering etc): U1.1.1

What is your understanding of these?:
Processes: We recorded sounds and edited them over a video as part of foley. In this we would need to learn what kind of sounds were needed. Find a suitable source for the sounds and record them. Afterwards we would need to use the software known as adobe premier pro to put the recorded audio over a video assigned to us.

Methods: When we assigned this task the group I was with watched over the video several times and made notes on what sounds we would need to replicate. When we had finished this task we constructed ideas on what objects would replicate the coreect sounds.

2d Discuss the tools that you used (Paint, Material, Software, etc): U2 3.1
Within the week we used multiple tools and software. We used software such as photoshop, premier pro, illustrator and maya 3d animation. The tools we used consited of a computer and a recording device.
Evaluate your use of them
Photosop: Originally I lacked confidence in photoshop because it was software I would not regularly used however with given help I currently feel more confident with this software and have a better idea on how to use it.

Premier pro: Originally I had no knowledge of this software and had no idea how to use it. After a video tutorial and and an hour of using the software I think I have made improvements in confidence concerning the software.

Illustrator: Illustrator is software I had never used and it was really intruiging to learn about how to use it and learn what the software can do. I think that this software could be very useful throughout the course.

Maya 3d animation: Same as all of the previous softwares I had no experience or knowledge of using the software however overall I felt that this was the software I was strongest with and made the most progress.

Computer: It's obvious that I have a lot of experience with using computers so to use this as a tool came across quite easily although I don no think I made any improvement with this tool.

Recoding device: The device we were given was new to me and was very sensitive to sound. The device was simple to use and we wre able to make large amounts of progress in work.
How effective were you with this tool?
Photoshop: I think I was effective in my progress of the software although not effective as a whole.

Premier pro: I think this was the second most effective for me because it relates more to the course I am taking in comparison to the other tools and softwares.

Illustrator: I think I was effetive in my use of this software as I strived more in this than photoshop.

Maya 3d animation: I think I was extremely effective in the use of this tool as I felt independent in my learning about it.

Computer: I was very effective in the use of this tool due the fact that it is very useful towards my course in addtion most jobs now use computers so i think I was very effective.

Recording device: For the device we were tasked with I think we were effective with the tool as we recorded many sounds to later use in editing.

How could you improve your use of the tool?
Photoshop: I think to improve my use of the tool I need to have more oppertunities to use it so that I can make progress.

Premier pro: To improve the use of this tool I need to stop making comments on how to use it and get my own chance to use the tool on my own.

Illustrator: To improve the use of this tool I need to use it for editing and learn more about it as I feel that I have only scratched the surface on this piece of software.

Maya 3d animation: There were aspcts in the use of this software which I found extremely confusing so I would like to improve on those areas next time I can use the software.

Computer: I think I need to improve on how to use a mac computer as it is very different to what I usually use.

Recording device: I think I need to use the device more often to find a way in which the device could be most effective and also leanr how to use it as I was not managing it.


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