Carousel week 2/ week 3 evaluation

Process and method and research:
Yesterday we were assigned the task of making an advert to sell the Bic 4 colour pen. We started off by brainstorming ideas on what we could do and how we could do it. In our groups we wrote down our ideas and thoughts so that they could later be pitched to the rest of the class. We came up with the idea of  "Someone's nicked my Bic!" We decided this idea as shown in the brief it mentions that Bic's are normally stolen showing that this idea could pop up within the advert. After brainstorming we pithed the ideas to the rest of the class. We pitch ideas because there can be other ideas which meet the criteria better and will be more successful. When we had pitched our ideas we voted for the best idea. We vote because it shows communication and decision making skills and in the media industry teamwork is commonly use. As soon as we had voted we were able to be assigned a job so that we could contribute to the final production. I was given the task of a runner. A runner is basically an assistant to help all other roles in getting the requirements for example if lighting needed something to change the colour of the light the runner would get what was needed. However as it was most peoples first time working on set they were eager to get the work done without help therefore I ended up doing very little for a while. Later on in the day I was assigned a task to assist the person working on the microphone sound, this involved making sure that they were in a safe environment to work with. Once all the equipment was set up and we all understood how to use the equipment we started off with rehearsals. After several rehearsals later I was given the task of working with the microphone as it was a tiring task. Finally when rehearsals had finished we started recording it only took a few takes to get it spot on. To finish off we watched the production we made and packed up the equipment we used for safety reasons.

During the day we had developed many skills which will be useful later in the course. In the day we had developed communication skills this is shown as throughout the day as we worked as a class and at one point in smaller groups. I personally also developed strength due to the fact that the microphone can get tiring to hold. We all developed brainstorming skills as we needed to make ideas and find creative ways to advertise the pen. Finally we developed pitching ideas it is important to develop these skills as they will be regularly used in the media industry.  To develop these skills further I think we need to have more opportunities to use the equipment this would help us develop our communication skills. I also think that if we done more rehearsals that would also develop communication skills. Finally I think we need to be more confident so that can develop all the skills that we have worked with in the previous day.

In the week we used a variety of different tools some of which are simple to use and the others were more strenuous. We needed to use pen and paper to brainstorm our ideas so that they could be later presented. These tools are very useful as it is easy to use and is easier to access than a computer or laptop. Finally I also used a microphone to help them record the advert this task was strenuous as within time it would get harder to hold.

If I could do anything different about today it would be that I would write more down during brainstorming so that the pitching could come across stronger. In addition I would suggest more ideas during the equipment set up so that the overall production could be improved. To conclude this experience has shown me the best and worst of what my course has to offer.


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